Backstreet Hosts are locals usually from the Bottom of the Pyramid (BoP) or beneficiaries of NGOs who need additional income and are unable to tap into the tourism industry due to lack of education, language and access to smartphones. We empower them to host experiences, where just by hosting a few times per week, they are able to increase their monthly income 2-3 times and help conserve traditional heritage and culture.
We utilize our technology to dynamically translate online bookings from our site into local languages calls/SMSes so that hosts can receive notifications and handle bookings using just feature phones. We also provide them with an on-demand translator system where a local translator will be tagged to each of their booking so that they will be able to communicate with their guests wherever they are from. See how it works here
By doing so, we can help people from the BoP move themselves out of poverty by becoming micro-entrepreneurs in tourism and help conserve traditional culture and heritage while allowing travelers to directly contribute to local communities through an intimate and close up experience with disappearing crafts.
Or if you can handle all bookings on your own, feel free to sign up for an account and create your own experience. We'll help you make it better and market it for you. As long as you have a good experience that is not against our values of sustainable travel, we will list it for a flat commission per transaction.
Contact us to create an experience